Coquitlam Acupuncture
What is popularly known today as Acupuncture and herbal medicine is part of a complete medical system called Traditional Chinese Medicine. TCM has its foundation in ancient Ching science and is known for its proven effectiveness over thousands of years. TCM emphasizes that the human body is an organic whole, and has an inseparable connection with the natural world and universe as a whole.
Vital energy, called Chi, circulates throughout the body along specific pathways, or meridians, which are connected to their corresponding internal organs. Science has observed that these points used in Acupuncture show a variety of unique bioelectrical and biochemical properties: stimulating them causes a definite physiological response in brain activity, hormonal levels, blood pressure, heart rate, and the immune system.
Your acupuncturist will assess your health care needs with a treatment and/or herbal remedy tailored specifically to you.
Vital energy, called Chi, circulates throughout the body along specific pathways, or meridians, which are connected to their corresponding internal organs. Science has observed that these points used in Acupuncture show a variety of unique bioelectrical and biochemical properties: stimulating them causes a definite physiological response in brain activity, hormonal levels, blood pressure, heart rate, and the immune system.
Your acupuncturist will assess your health care needs with a treatment and/or herbal remedy tailored specifically to you.
Weight loss acupuncture
A procedure that improves digestion, aids metabolism and improves your overal health. Specific points on the abdomen are targeted to stimulate digestive organs and aid the body in removing excess fat and water retention.
The initial consultation will include questions regarding lifestyle, diet, medical history, digestion, elimination, stress and sleep patterns to determine a diagnosis and treatment plan. Once this is determined, a personalized herbal formula is often suggested, as well as dietary recommendations to improve overall health and aid the effects of the weight loss acupuncture. Acupuncture is a compliment to a weight loss or exercise program. It can also be used on its own to help lose weight and inches.
The initial consultation will include questions regarding lifestyle, diet, medical history, digestion, elimination, stress and sleep patterns to determine a diagnosis and treatment plan. Once this is determined, a personalized herbal formula is often suggested, as well as dietary recommendations to improve overall health and aid the effects of the weight loss acupuncture. Acupuncture is a compliment to a weight loss or exercise program. It can also be used on its own to help lose weight and inches.
Other benefits
-Orthopedic -Gastrointestinal -Respiratory -Gynecological -Immunological -Neurological -Cardiovascular -Psychiatric -Dermatological -Endocrine Weight Loss -Improves digestion and nutrient absorption -Improves muscle tone -Aids metabolism Orthopedic -low back pain -tendonitis -frozen shoulder -arthritis -whiplash -joints Gastrointestinal -IBS -constipation -diarrhea -abdominal pain -gastritis -ulcer Respiratory -common cold -flu -asthma -bronchitis -sinusitis -tinnitus -vertigo -allergies |
-menopause -PMS -menstrual problems -endometriosis -cystitis -sexual dysfunction -infertility Immunological -chronic fatigue -environmental and food allergies -scleroderma -other autoimmune disorders Neurological -headache -migraine -sciatica -numbness -Bell’s Palsy -trigeminal neuralgia -tremors -seizures Cardiovascular -hypertension -palpitation -arteriosclerosis -coronary -heart disease -deep vein thrombosis Psychiatric -insomnia -anxiety -depression -drug addiction -ADD Dermatological -eczema -psoriasis -dermititis -acne -hives -vitiligo -itching Endocrine system -hyper/hypo thyroid |