What is Chiropractic?

Chiropractic is a primary health profession where the natural healing abilities of a patient is emphasized. Disorders of the spine and musculoskeletal system are treated by optimizing the nervous system, restoring function of soft tissues, and improving overall health.
Spinal joints that are out of alignment or not moving properly can affect your health by irritating delicate spinal nerves. When irritated, these nerves alert your brain that something is wrong. Symptoms, including pain, are usually the result. Nerve signals are also sent to your muscles to stabilize and protect the area. You may feel stiff, sore, and tired. As opposed to taking pain masking drugs, which can be dangerous to your health, Chiropractic care seeks to locate the source of your symptoms and address the underlying cause, so the problem doesn’t keep recurring.
Chiropractors offer a unique treatment technique called a manipulation or adjustment. A manipulation is a high velocity, low amplitude thrust that is applied to a joint to correct its movement, position, and function. The manipulation is applied within the normal range of motion and is often accompanied by an audible crack which indicates a release of gas from within the joint. There are several physiological effects that arise from the manipulation: increased range of motion, decreased muscle spasm, decreased nerve irritability, reduction of pain sensation, and enhanced function.
The type of treatment chiropractors provide can vary depending on the condition. Drs. Willie and Bobby utilizes several different techniques and modalities to ensure that the patient receives the best possible treatment:
-diversified technique
-"no cracking" adjusting/instrument assisted manipulation (activator)
-diversified joint manipulation (hands on)
-computerized joint manipulation (Impulse Adjusting Instrument)
-custom foot orthotics
-"no needle" electro-acupuncture/acupoint stimulation
-transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation
-myofacial release technique (soft tissue therapy)
-joint mobilization technique
-trigger point therapy
-drop piece/toggle board manipulation
-exercise rehabilitation prescription
-patient ergonomic education
-percussion therapy (Hypervolt tool)
-nutrition counseling
Spinal joints that are out of alignment or not moving properly can affect your health by irritating delicate spinal nerves. When irritated, these nerves alert your brain that something is wrong. Symptoms, including pain, are usually the result. Nerve signals are also sent to your muscles to stabilize and protect the area. You may feel stiff, sore, and tired. As opposed to taking pain masking drugs, which can be dangerous to your health, Chiropractic care seeks to locate the source of your symptoms and address the underlying cause, so the problem doesn’t keep recurring.
Chiropractors offer a unique treatment technique called a manipulation or adjustment. A manipulation is a high velocity, low amplitude thrust that is applied to a joint to correct its movement, position, and function. The manipulation is applied within the normal range of motion and is often accompanied by an audible crack which indicates a release of gas from within the joint. There are several physiological effects that arise from the manipulation: increased range of motion, decreased muscle spasm, decreased nerve irritability, reduction of pain sensation, and enhanced function.
The type of treatment chiropractors provide can vary depending on the condition. Drs. Willie and Bobby utilizes several different techniques and modalities to ensure that the patient receives the best possible treatment:
-diversified technique
-"no cracking" adjusting/instrument assisted manipulation (activator)
-diversified joint manipulation (hands on)
-computerized joint manipulation (Impulse Adjusting Instrument)
-custom foot orthotics
-"no needle" electro-acupuncture/acupoint stimulation
-transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation
-myofacial release technique (soft tissue therapy)
-joint mobilization technique
-trigger point therapy
-drop piece/toggle board manipulation
-exercise rehabilitation prescription
-patient ergonomic education
-percussion therapy (Hypervolt tool)
-nutrition counseling
Conditions Treated

Drs. Willie and Bobby treats a variety of conditions. Some of these include:
-Auto Accidents
-Back Pain-Lower
-Back Pain-Upper/Neck
-Carpal Tunnel
-Disc Herniation
-Pinched Nerve
-Post Surgery
-Repetitive Stress Injuries
-Sports Related Injuries
-Workplace Related Injuries
-Auto Accidents
-Back Pain-Lower
-Back Pain-Upper/Neck
-Carpal Tunnel
-Disc Herniation
-Pinched Nerve
-Post Surgery
-Repetitive Stress Injuries
-Sports Related Injuries
-Workplace Related Injuries