Professional Products
Apex chiropractic carries a variety of safe and effective professional products that are proven to work and backed by research. All prices listed include tax for your convenience.
The Chiroflow® Waterbase® Fiberfill pillow is the only pillow clinically shown in 3 independent clinical studies to improve sleep and reduce neck pain. In fact, in a study at Johns Hopkins University, the Chiroflow pillow ranked best in all 5 categories studied over all other pillows tested. Chiroflow augments treatment of patients with cervical pain by providing proper cervical support and improves sleep at the same time!
Medical Gradient Compression Stockings

Medical gradient compression stockings improve venous and lymphatic blood flow. Medical gradient stockings helps to relieve and control Edema (swelling), varicose veins, leg fatigue and other problematic leg conditions. We carry a variety of sizes in different pressure ratings. Read more
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Please call for pricing

BIOFREEZE contains ILEX, a herbal extract from a South American holly shrub. ILEX is used around the world in various health & wellness formulations. BIOFREEZE does not use waxes, oils, aloe or petroleum. The result is a fast-acting, deep penetrating, long lasting pain reliever.
BIOFREEZE with ILEX RELIEVES PAIN by creating a cooling sensation within the skin. Pain Relief can last up to several hours. Because of the unique penetrating powers of ILEX, users report a deeper, longer lasting pain relief than conventional cooling gels. The cooling effect increases healing through relaxation of stiff and aching muscles. BIOFREEZE with ILEX is greaseless, stainless and has no lingering odor.
BIOFREEZE increases blood flow to help reduce injury, increase circulation and reduce edema. BIOFREEZE also reduces swelling and pain, allowing for greater mobility and flexibility. BIOFREEZE is the only topical analgesic endorsed by the ACA and FCA Sports Injury Councils. The effects of BIOFREEZE lasts for several hours.
BIOFREEZE with ILEX RELIEVES PAIN by creating a cooling sensation within the skin. Pain Relief can last up to several hours. Because of the unique penetrating powers of ILEX, users report a deeper, longer lasting pain relief than conventional cooling gels. The cooling effect increases healing through relaxation of stiff and aching muscles. BIOFREEZE with ILEX is greaseless, stainless and has no lingering odor.
BIOFREEZE increases blood flow to help reduce injury, increase circulation and reduce edema. BIOFREEZE also reduces swelling and pain, allowing for greater mobility and flexibility. BIOFREEZE is the only topical analgesic endorsed by the ACA and FCA Sports Injury Councils. The effects of BIOFREEZE lasts for several hours.
Embrace AIRPlus

EmbraceAIRPlus is recommended worldwide by healthcare professionals. Designed with pressure mapping, its open cell foam (15 year life) contours to your body naturally, offering gentle lateral support. The patented 10” vertically adjustable air system gives you the best tested, proven, and guaranteed back support available today.
Heat/Ice Packs
We also offer a selection of heat/ice packs of various sizes starting from $10.